Gas Verses Wood: What's Better?

There is nothing better on a cold winter day than curling up in front of the fire.  A fireplace’s warmth illuminates the gloominess that typically accompanies most winter days, while also bringing us together.

If you are looking to add the charm and warmth that only a fireplace can bring, there are several options to take into consideration.  Aside from the obvious considerations, such as the increase in property value and the ambiance a fireplace brings, the most important consideration is to find out what type of fireplace is best for you: gas or wood.  Each has advantages and disadvantages based on your unique situation.

Since most home fireplaces are either the aforementioned wood-fired or natural gas, we should take a look at the pros and cons of each.


Advantage: Wood

You can’t beat free.  While wood can be purchased at a grocery store or home improvement store, we live in a state where there is ample wood available to keep your fire burning bright all winter long.  Even if it’s more convenient or practical to purchase your firewood, the costs are still significantly less than your monthly gas bill.  Natural gas is a pretty well-used resource in each of our homes, regardless of whether we have a fireplace, and a gas fireplace can compound those costs.  While natural gas isn’t overly expensive, the cost behind the consumption exceeds that of trusty firewood.

Ease of Use

Advantage: Gas

We all know how easy (or difficult) getting a wood fire started can be.  It can bring back memories of scout camp, trying to get wet logs going!   Most of us have since moved past those dark, cold nights of yesteryear, but regardless of our expertise, getting a wood fire started can take a few minutes due to the arranging of logs, kindling, and getting the flame going.  Once it’s going, you still have to fuel the fire with additional logs

However, you may be somebody who failed miserably during those dark, cold nights at scout camp.  Building a fire may be either too difficult, or too time-consuming.  That’s where a gas fireplace comes to the rescue: getting it started is literally as easy as flipping a switch.


Advantage: Gas

Wood can be messy.  In fact, it can be very messy.  Between the embers, ash, and soot that lines the walls of your fireplace, cleaning can be a real chore.  There are other considerations, such as creosote, which is produced by wood fires, and builds up over time in your chimney, requiring annual cleanings by a professional, such as Ignite Fireplace.  If you choose not to maintain your fireplace annually, you are likely choosing to burn your home down, as unmaintained fireplaces can easily catch fire.

Obviously, a gas fireplace doesn’t require that level of cleaning.  You will want to make sure the gas lines are in good order, and that there are no leaks, but cleaning is as simple as wiping the façade.  It’s always good to have a professional, such as Ignite Fireplace, look at and maintain the fireplace periodically.


Advantage: Wood

A gas fireplace, while charming, lacks the luster and elegance of a wood fireplace.  Nothing really matches that, so this is a non-contest.

These are only a few considerations, but regardless of what makes the most sense for you, you can trust Ignite Fireplace to help you maintain your fireplace.  We offer comprehensive fireplace repair in Salt Lake City.  We serve the Salt Lake Valley, Utah County, and Summit County.  Our prices are competitive, and our service is second-to-none! Don’t believe us?  Look at our reviews and testimonials.  Better yet, give us a call today to see what we can do for you.