A Dirty Chimney Is More Dangerous Than You Think

Everybody knows what a chimney is, but few people understand its components or how it works.  Furthermore, few people understand how important those components are in making sure your fireplace is properly vented.  One of the most critical components of a chimney is a flue.  A flue vents the smoke and components of a fire as they rise through the chimney.  A flue also consolidates the heat given from a fire to rise up and out of your home safely.  It is ultimately designed to protect you, your family, and your home from fire and the harmful byproducts of a wood-burning fire.

The more you use your fireplace, the dirtier your flue can become.  Over time, without regular maintenance, a flue can become blocked or restricted, which leads to insufficient venting.  Insufficient venting can come from either debris falling into the chimney, such as nests from birds or wasps, or can come from a lack of adequate cleaning, as the soot from fires can accumulate over time.

In the event of a flue becoming damaged, its crucial purpose in keeping excessive heat away from combustible materials can be compromised.   If the flue liner gets cracked, the heat of a fire can seep into brick or wood on your roof or in your chimney, potentially leading to a catastrophic fire.  You will also want to be aware of creosote, which is a natural byproduct of burning wood.  It unfortunately happens to be highly flammable and accumulates on the inner walls of the flue under certain burning conditions.  It’s important to make sure that it is cleaned properly.

Maintaining a Chimney Properly

Now that we have reviewed some of the heavy and even scary scenarios that can play out, let’s see what can be done to keep your fireplace burning bright for years to come, and your family safe!  A fireplace is a wonderful tool that is to be cherished by your family, certainly not feared.

The most critical thing is to have a qualified chimney professional clean and examine your chimney annually.  Ignite Fireplace has a team of qualified, friendly professionals the Salt Lake Valley who will come to your home and perform a thorough examination of the chimney, flue, and fireplace to look for and repair signs of deterioration or weakness.  An annual cleaning and inspection will save you a LOT of money from costly repairs down the road.

Once your fireplace is in good order, there are a few steps you can take to make sure you have peace of mind in your home:

  • Have working carbon monoxide detectors in your home and check them regularly.
  • Close the dampers in your fireplace to prolong burning. Slower, cooler burning wood fires lead to creosole accumulation
  • Opt to burn your fires hot, when possible
  • Visually inspect your fireplace to make sure everything looks right. If anything appears questionable, call Ignite Fireplace for an inspection

Ignite Fireplace offers the pinnacle of fireplace repair in Salt Lake City.  We service the Salt Lake Valley, Utah County, and Summit County.  No job is too big or too small.  We pride ourselves in providing a world-class experience in a company that knows the importance of family values.  Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!